Wednesday, July 25

"Everything Will Be Fine"

"He used to tell me that everything would be fine, but he never explained what he meant.  Perhaps he never knew.  So, is everything fine now?  Life is not exactly the same anymore, children are fatherless, mother is first son-less, memories are full to overflowing, and painful all over up to the little finger…How could everything be fine like this?

"I do not know how he fell, when and why.  I content myself with the stories told, wishing I had answers to my curiosities, and closure to my anxieties.  I have scoured everywhere in search of clues of his life lived longing. We all hope for better days while we are.  We want more and better, while we could stop wishing and start appreciating what we do have today, which when lost tomorrow shall be worth, in our hearts, more than gold.  I treasured him while he was.  Thus, in my heart he’s more than gold today.  To dwell in God’s memory is to live forever.  Five years gone by so very quickly like a whisper.  Thirty full years spent influencing others, firing dreams, driving innovation, travelling the world, ending in the grave.

"Life has continued after him and shall continue after me, until God's kingdom comes, soon, and makes the earth a paradise.  Then, the dead will rise on earth and live forever.  I await that glorious day when he will return from this journey and wake from this sleep.

"Since that last breath five years have gone by.  Day and night still interchange and the cycle of generations continues.  The sun still shines, though more ferociously. As for the moonlight, it still gives hope when all is gloomy.  Time heals all wounds but leaves a scar.  One World Cup, that much talked about first-in-Africa, is gone by and the Olympics in London are about to begin.  Crime is rife and the world is much less safer than he left it.  'I congratulate the dead,' to quote bible writer Solomon.

But, I miss him.  Bad."


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